Commitments Related to the Manufacture and Supply of Food Packaging Inks
Printing Inks and Varnishes for Food Packaging represent an important market segment for EuPIA members. Therefore, EuPIA has for many years put special emphasis on Food Packaging and Consumer Safety.
Together with its members, EuPIA has developed strategies and concepts defining the ink manufacturers’ contributions to the food packaging supply chain aimed at enhancing consumer safety.
Compliance with Food Packaging legislation (as part of the legislation dealing with Food Contact Materials) is a very complex undertaking, and it is for this reason that EuPIA supports its members by issuing guidance documents, information notes and model letters.
EuPIA documents appear to be well accepted in the marketplace and also, legislators across Europe welcome the association’s support of its members.
In order to demonstrate to external audiences that they are committed to the principles of protecting food consumer safety within the areas under their control, EuPIA member companies were offered the opportunity to sign Compliance Commitments related to the manufacture and supply of food packaging inks.
The following EuPIA member companies are among those having signed the Compliance Commitments:
Akzo Nobel Packaging Coatings |
Arcolor |
C.O.I.M |
Colorgraf |
Colorprint |
Domino |
Doneck Euroflex |
Druckfarben Hellas |
Eckart |
Epple Druckfarben |
Flint Group |
Follmann &Co |
Fujifilm Speciality Ink Systems |
HP |
Huber Group |
Jänecke + Schneemann |
La Sorgente |
Marabu |
Markem Imaje |
Paragon Inks |
Pulse Printing Products |
Pulse Roll Label Products |
Resino Inks |
Rotoflex |
Siegwerk |
Staedtler Mars |
Sun Chemical |
Toyo Ink Europe |
Weilburger Graphics |
Wikoff Colour |
Zeller + Gmelin |